ROG News
| December 15, 2016
Reign of Guilds is an upcoming Magic Medieval first person MMORPG
The game takes place in a kingdom, whose history of origin was long forgotten. This is why players themselves write this...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
The history of the kingdom sank into oblivion.
Besides, it might not exist at all. In some form or another, it is not important. What is important is what kind of story will be written by...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
A victory in the Mass-PvP is the only way to earn the title of Count and, subsequently, to sit on the throne of the kingdom.
The victory must be achieved in castles. Why then does one have to...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
An association is an assembly of guilds based on their main activity.
Associations appeared because there are guilds which do not really want to fight in castles, but they very much want to...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
There is only one race: humans.
There are no conventional classes.
The steps for making a new character consist of choosing gender, appearance, and name only.
In ROG, many things...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
There are 14 professional schools.
After reaching the 16 th level, the player may join any of them. It is possible to quit a school at any moment, but a cancellation fee must be paid....

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
It is the guilds that will be at the head of the kingdom.
Extra attention is dedicated to the functionality and management of guilds. Here are some examples of expansion of guild related...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
The western and eastern parts of the kingdom have more than 60 castles for capture. The higher the level of a castle, the bigger its size, the harder it is to capture it, but the higher is the...

ROG News
| December 15, 2016
There are more than 1000 base items:
weapon, armor, costume jewelry and decoration, powders, mantras.
Only 10% of them have a requirement based on vocation, the requirements of rest...