ROG News
| June 25, 2024
Dear friends,
In this update, we focused on identifying and fixing bugs. We are also pleased to welcome a new developer and level designer to our team.
List of changes:

ROG News
| June 20, 2024
Dear friends,
In this update, we focused on the balance of AOE powders to ensure more dynamic and strategic battles. We have carefully listened to your feedback and suggestions and have made...

ROG News
| June 18, 2024
Dear friends!
We are excited to present to you a new patch that brings a number of significant changes and improvements to the game. Here are the main highlights of the update.

ROG News
| June 11, 2024
Dear friends!
We are excited to present to you a new update that will bring improvements to the gameplay. In this patch, we focused on enhancing stability, optimizing rewards, and...

ROG News
| June 4, 2024
Dear friends!
We are excited to announce the upcoming expansion of our team! Two new developers, a game master, and level artists will join us to help create new content and fix bugs. Our...