Dear friends!
We’ve updated the roadmap, which, as many have noticed, has been significantly revised since August 2024.
Key Principles:
- We don’t plan too far ahead or announce plans for global mechanics that are still a long way off.
- We only announce the realistic amount of work we can handle at the current stage of the studio’s development.
- The roadmap covers about 60-70% of the upcoming work for this time period because:
- We try to stay flexible and listen to the community, so some tasks will inevitably change;
- It doesn’t include any backend or service-related tasks;
- The "Changes and Fixes" cards are still being filled out:
- They will include fixes for long-standing issues, significant balance/UI rough edges, etc.
- Once a chapter is completed, they will include links to patch notes;
- These cards will be useful for seeing our response to your reports and suggestions;
- The "County" cards will migrate from chapter to chapter. Their subtasks reflect this breakdown.
How to Read It?
- Inside each card (or almost each), you’ll find a description or subtasks;
- To see the description, click on the card and select the "Description" tab; for subtasks, select "Subtasks." Your tab selection will be saved for the session.
This is an important question in roadmaps. However, in this case, we won’t set specific deadlines for each chapter. But as the last 6 months have shown, each chapter takes about 1 to 2 months.
Update Frequency
- After each patch.
- Additionally, we’ll gradually improve readability and fill in what we haven’t had time to yet.
Best regards,
Atlant Games Team