Dear friends,
In our new update, we focused on balancing professions, improving castle capture mechanics, and fixing errors.
Additionally, due to the difficulties in transitioning to the free-to-play (F2P) system, we will provide compensation to all players in the form of special food and 4th-level cauldrons.


  • Cauldrons up to level 12 have been added. They can be crafted at the alloy smelter.
    There are two types: lightweight portable cauldrons weighing 5 kg and heavy stationary cauldrons weighing 15 kg.
    The amount of powder produced per brew has been increased by 96%. On average, each cauldron gives 119% more powder.
    These improvements are part of a broader initiative to simplify life on the continent, which also includes increasing the spawn rate of herbs and marked areas on the map.


  • The flight speed of the crossbow bolt has been increased by 30%.
  • The accuracy of the crossbow bolt has been increased by 15%.
    Due to changed priorities, we were unable to allocate time to AMMO crossbow within the planned timeframe, so we have brought the speed and accuracy of the bolt in line with our expectations for the future "Light" bolt.
  • The stacking of bleeding effects from unnamed monsters has been removed.
    Currently, there is no evasion and damage in relative terms from maximum HP, which reduces the effectiveness of tank builds and unnecessarily complicates the game for new players.
  • Experience in PvE has been increased by 25%, including a 25% increase in experience for the final blow.
    The motivation behind this change is to make the game more accessible and easier for new players, as well as less punishing.

Castle Capture Changes

  • It is now forbidden to fill level 15 and 45 castles with royal elixirs.
  • The time for filling castles with regular elixirs has been reduced by 32%.
  • The maximum time is 16 hours for any castle level and any elixir.
  • The time for filling castles with royal elixirs has been reduced by 24%.
  • The maximum time is 48 hours for level 30 and 60 castles.
  • The cost of creating castle elixirs has been changed to more accurately reflect their value in terms of the duration of the blue phase of castle ownership.
  • The duration of the red phase has been reduced by 50%.
  • Level 15: from 45 to 57.5 minutes depending on the elixir level.
  • Level 60: from 55 to 67.5 minutes for regular elixirs, and from 65 to 90 minutes for royal elixirs.
  • The burning of forts has been reduced to 2 minutes (up to 90% depending on the castle level).
  • The HP of fort gates has been increased by 50-100%.

With 24 available castles, our actions are aimed at increasing dynamics, reducing time intervals, and intensifying events.
Meanwhile, we highlight the recent addition of publicly available information about the start of the red phase and its upcoming addition to the game map.
The originally planned mechanics of prolonged fort burning, serving as a buffer before the rapid loss of a castle for its owners, will be further developed within the framework of the castle grade.

Error Fixes

  • The abilities of northerners that did not apply debuffs correctly have been fixed.
  • The repeated giving of quests by trainers after their completion has been fixed.
  • The chat error where messages were not displayed has been fixed.
  • The absence of a cooldown for invincibility when re-entering the game has been fixed.
  • The error where the PvP invincibility buff was not applied on the starting island has been fixed.
  • The quality mark has been removed from items that should not have it.

Vocation Balance Changes

We have made significant changes to vocation bonuses.

Our approach:

  • Rejection of unified bonuses;
  • Priority of bonuses over penalties;
  • Overall increase in vocation bonuses.

In connection with these changes, we will also provide free redistribution points corresponding to your current character level.

The full list of changes can be found below.


Stage HP PD MD Strength Dexterity
Air Water Fire
1 120 150 80 -24 52 16 -32 -16 -16 32 -16
2 240 300 160 -48 104 32 -64 -32 -32 64 -32
3 480 600 320 -96 208 64 -128 -64 -64 128 -64


Stage PA PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 120 -80 -80 76 -16 -16 -16 36 -16 -16 8
2 240 -160 -160 152 -32 -32 -32 72 -32 -32 16
3 480 -320 -320 304 -64 -64 -64 144 -64 -64 32


Stage HP MP PA MA PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 -120 -120 80 80 80 80 -48 48 32 -16 8 -16 -8 -8
2 -240 -240 160 160 160 160 -96 96 64 -32 16 -32 -16 -16
3 -480 -480 320 320 320 320 -192 192 128 -64 32 -64 -32 -32


Stage HP MP PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 240 -240 80 80 48 -36 -36 48 -16 -8 -8 24
2 480 -480 160 160 96 -72 -72 96 -32 -16 -16 48
3 960 -960 320 320 192 -144 -144 192 -64 -32 -32 96


Stage PA PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Fire
1 140 -80 -80 52 40 -28 -16 20 34
2 280 -160 -160 104 80 -56 -32 40 68
3 560 -320 -320 208 160 -112 -64 80 136


Stage PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 -80 160 -18 25 -30 68 28 -9 36 -12
2 -160 320 -36 50 -60 136 56 -18 72 -24
3 -320 640 -72 100 -120 272 112 -36 144 -48

Master of Steel

Stage HP PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 150 180 -120 15 48 -11 -13 24 10 10 10
2 300 360 -240 30 96 -22 -26 48 20 20 20
3 600 720 -480 60 192 -44 -52 96 40 40 40


Stage HP PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 120 120 120 24 24 -21 14 -13 -13 31 31
2 240 240 240 48 48 -42 28 -26 -26 62 62
3 480 480 480 96 96 -84 56 -52 -52 124 124


Stage PA PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Fire
1 120 -80 -80 -35 35 80 -27 48 16
2 240 -160 -160 -70 70 160 -54 96 32
3 480 -320 -320 -140 140 320 -108 192 64


Stage HP MP MA FD MD Strength Dexterity Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 -120 120 240 -80 -80 18 18 18 -25 65 -25 25
2 -240 240 480 -160 -160 36 36 36 -50 130 -50 50
3 -480 480 960 -320 -320 72 72 72 -100 260 -100 100


Stage HP MP MA FD MD Dexterity Earth Air Water Fire
1 120 240 -80 80 80 61 17 14 61 -49
2 240 480 -160 160 160 122 34 28 122 -98
3 480 960 -320 320 320 244 68 56 244 -196


Stage MP MA MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 120 80 120 32 -16 -8 18 12 -12 -52 110
2 240 160 240 64 -32 -16 36 24 -24 -104 220
3 480 320 480 128 -64 -32 72 48 -48 -208 440


Stage HP MP MA PD MD Strengh Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 -240 -240 80 80 80 -8 -8 -8 8 16 -8 16 -8
2 -420 -420 140 140 140 -14 -14 -14 14 28 -14 28 -14
3 -840 -840 280 280 280 -28 -28 -28 28 56 -28 56 -28


Stage HP MP MA PD MD Strength Dexterity Accuracy Endurance Earth Air Water Fire
1 -120 -120 -80 80 80 8 8 8 8 21 21 21 21
2 -240 -240 -160 160 160 16 16 16 16 42 42 42 42
3 -480 -480 -320 320 320 32 32 32 32 84 84 84 84

Best regards,
Atlant Games Team