Dear friends,
In this update we focused on adding new items, castles and changing enchantment recipes.


  • T4 ring enchantment recipes dropped by Scorpions and Swamp Trolls in T2 counties.
    They drop along with T3 recipes, but with a lower probability
  • Visual design of graveyards in T2 counties: Unsund and Gwall
  • Some of them worked only functionally, but did not have the artistic design that was added in this patch
  • Bosses and their loot in Gwall now correspond to T2 county
  • Added cloth equipment for all four elements - Helmet, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shoulders
  • Its introduction has long been in our plans, and with its help we hope to simplify life for Magic professions. Now they are available when crafting from recipes that drop from bosses and mobs. Later they will also be added to the assortment of merchants up to T3, like other equipment
  • Commissioning of 3 more castles and their holdings in the county of Gweloth:
    Gweloth (60)
    Annudar (45)
    Hannerzyf (45)
    They are ready to capture and collect taxes from the adjacent territories


  • Old enchantment recipes now have level 3, which equates them to new T1 enchantment recipes
    This was the decision made, since the vast majority of enchantment recipes were obtained from T1 mobs and bosses
  • Localization and descriptions of new enchantment recipes


  • Heretic Master no longer kills himself with his own AoE. His vampirism ability, like other vampirism abilities, we still have to fix
  • When dying in the swamp, the swamp debuff remained on the character
  • Re-payment of taxes after death
  • Translation errors and other minor fixes


Atlant Games Team