Dear friends,

This update is the first in a series of significant changes to the game, which we plan to complete by October.



  • Crafting/enchanting is available for characters of any level, regardless of profession.
  • Everything needed for weapon crafting, but without enchanting for now, has been added to Stream Island, along with training quests.
  • Crafting and enchanting high-level and quality items will still require specialized professions.

Complete overhaul of crafting/enchanting point calculations:

  • The required degree of crafting/enchanting now depends on not only the item level but also the desired quality, based on recipe quality.
    For example, a CCC item of level 9 requires 243 crafting points.
  • Each factor affecting the actual number of crafting points has been completely reworked, and the proportion now looks roughly like this:
    • Profession - 17%
    • Skills - 41%
    • Workbenches - 17%
    • Tools - 25% (the number of tool levels will be increased to 12)

Enchanting recipes:

  • Now also have 4 tiers for more even distribution among mobs of different tiers.
  • The drop rate of enchanting recipes from mobs has been changed.


  • Exceeding the required crafting points still increases the quality of the crafted item.
  • Repair requires fewer points than crafting, restoration requires more.


  • Incorrect calculation of required points for enchanting.
  • Lack of recipes in the drop for certain weapons.
  • Recipe descriptions.
  • Quest for the 3rd level of concentrated weapon crafting.



  • Notifications about the castle/point owner in the upper right corner (under the location name).
  • For all players on the castle territory - about the siege progress in the upper right corner (from gate damage to castle capture).
  • Notifications in a new section of the global chat - about changes in castle phases (currently default for all castles).
  • In the future, there will be an option to enable and disable duplicate messages on the screen for world/castle event notifications.


  • Notification errors for castle owners coming to the guild chat channel.
  • Design errors of the Kreade castle.
  • Dimension errors of AI spawners in the Ufford castle.
  • Dimension errors of capture points in the Gwal castle.
  • Extra spawners of regular mobs on T2 castle territories.


  • While castle Runes are in development, which will add meaning to castle ownership, we want to improve the capture procedure for participants and owners outside the castle and make sieges more massive, accessible, and understandable.
  • In the future, we will revisit the issue of the necessity and harm of castle public openness.

T2 Counties


  • Cemeteries in Gwal, Gwelot, Mennitz, and Unsund.
  • Roads.
  • 11 extraction/processing locations with partial filling.
  • Bosses and their drops in Gwal.


  • Fence separating counties.



  • PvP experience increased by x3.
  • Improved UX of the world map.


  • Buffs dealing damage on crater tops.
  • Icons for crossbows T7-T9.

Thank you for your patience and support. We will share our plans for the next patches in a separate message.


The Atlant Games Team