Dear friends, we send this message to tell you about the changes in the game that we are currently working on—changes that were not included in the roadmap 3 months ago and have been given a higher priority.

From the perspective of the developers, these changes will help us breathe new life into the project for those who've been playing it for hundreds of hours, attract new players, and provide them with a quicker immersion into the game.

1. Healthier game enviromnent

  • Recently, we’ve posted a message about starting to have stricter control over what’s happening in the game and launched a first wave of bans for the abuse of game mechanics.
  • This week we’ve searched through the game logs (over 25 GB) looking for data about abusing the levelling system this August. Some accounts have already received permanent bans, but the majority of offenders will be dealt with after we’ve finished working with logs.

2. Statistics

  • Public boards with statistics on characters, guilds, and castles.
  • The first stage of its development will be PvP-orientated and will gather the metrics that have been in the project since its release.

3. Castles

  • The first stage is to make notifications for castle owners and all players on the castle territory about the seige process.
  • The second stage will be to make castle crystals as a first step to adding rewards for capturing castles.

4. Crafting

  • For starters, crafting will become available for all characters. But we’ll change the allocation of the crafting points, which will mean that players without specialization will not be able to create high-quality items.
  • Enchantment recipes will be divided into tiers, just like crafting recipes. As a result, we’ll change the recipe drops from mobs and bosses.

5. Inferiority of single Vocations and changes to the mage economy

We’ll arrange the changes in the order of adding them to the game:

  • introduction of level 10–12 rings before all other Т4 equipment (perhaps, revision of their bonuses to make them more powerful).
  • introduction of the full mage gear set (hats, pants, gloves, etc.).
  • revision of bonuses for single Vocations: decreasing or completely removing the maluses from the locked development branch.
  • increasing the amount of powders made in a single brewing and reconsidering the benefits of concentrated powders
  • a global overhaul of the ability system (1+4 slots). We’ll increase the number of ability slots and remove a forced vocation ability. Beside that, we plan to introduce “skill points.” A fixed value determined by the vocation to choose what abilities you can use.
    • This system will be used to further assist single Vocations. “Intelligent” Archmages will have more skill points than “dumb” Barbarians, which will help them to use a wider repertoire of “expensive” abilities.

6. Trial access and new players

  • We are looking for the most optimal way to make the game free for new players, at least within Rivulet Island.
  • The next step will be to overhaul the starting quest chain at the beginning of the game and improve the UX to make acquaintance with the game easier.

7. Steam, VKPlay Early Pre-Order rewards

  • after the introduction of the trial version of the game, we’ll allow players to move characters from their Steam account to VK Play account.
  • activation of Early Pre-Order rewards.

These are not all the diversions from the roadmap, but they are the main ones. We plan to also add all T2 castles at the same time as the introduction of castle crystals.

ROG’ums Up!