Dear friends!
Today we are releasing an unscheduled update that corrects critical errors associated with a server crash and includes small updates. Error correction:

List of changes:

Error correction:
- Fixed crash when trying to pay taxes

- Blacksmith: added penalty to MA (-80/-140/-280), doubled penalty to water (-16/-28/-56);
- Necromancer: reduced bonus to stamina (8/14/28) and bonus to MA (80/140/280);
- Gladiator: added bonuses to FA (80/140/280) and MP (80/140/280), penalties to MA (-80/-140/-280) and FL (-80/-140/-280);
- Inquisitor: added bonus to MA (80/140/280);
- Druid: the penalty to MA was halved (-40/-70/-140), the radius of the Rite and Totem was doubled;
- Hunter: the penalty to Strength has been halved (-8/-14/-28);

Thank you for being with us. Have a good game!

Atlant Games team.