Dear friends!

Today’s patch is released later than planned due to the need for additional preparation of new equipment (servers).

In this patch, in addition to focusing on the dupes, we tried to pay attention to those aspects that caused the greatest resentment from the community, and that could be quickly added/modified.

As before, our thoughts/answers/meta descriptions are provided in italics.

“Out-game” news:

  • Changed to more efficient physical servers for EU region, which hold up to 60% of Dwarrhan(East) and some of the dungeons;
  • Hired 2 new team members: 1x CM, 1x GM;
  • All bans and mutes will now be announced in a separate Discord channels:

Patch Note:

  • Dupes:
    • after the first wave of bans we received a detailed description of 2 dupe methods and 1 dupe speeding method;
    • fixed:
      • 3 dupe methods (1 known, and 2 “new” ones);
  • In-game Knowledge base:
    • added the basic content with localization;
    • next step - adding events for automatic opening of tips on first time playing;
  • PvP balance and damage formula:
    • Amount of HP/MP gained every level increased to 100 (from 50);
    • the approach to additional damage is changed;
    • Experience gain increased up to 20% in both PvE and PvP to compensate the decrease of big bonuses for high defense and attack difference;
    • all of those actions should decrease the amount of “OneShot” situations happening without much intervention to “equal” characters duels;
  • Melee weapons:
    • density of a physical scene is drastically increased in calculations:
      • amount of traces increased for additional 50%;
      • 1H and 2H have their damaging area increased up to 25% and 50% respectively;
      • trace radius increased up to 25%;
      • fixed the timing issues for some of the attacks (the start and density of traces);
    • these changes make hitting the target in melee a bit easier and should make it more predictable;
  • Powders:
    • Amount of brewed powders with the use of personal cauldrons increased:
      • from 25% for T1;
      • up to 100% for T6;
      • mages’ economy is not particularly good right now, choosing between increasing the resource spawn and cauldron yields we chose the second;
    • The buff longevity increased drastically:
      • to 30 minutes for “long” buffs;
      • to 15 minutes for “short” buffs;
      • this is without powder heating;
      • adding to that, we will introduce “powder boiling” in the next patch that will ease buff powders use and will add means for dispel counter;
    • Dispels/Cleanses:
      • changed their logic to projectile;
      • the range, projectile speed and amount of buffs dispelled now depends on powder level;
      • our aim is to make dispels an alternative tactic for some of the builds;
  • Max level system for locations:
    • On the Island after getting 16 level the character will stop getting experience;
    • characters that are much higher than 16th level on the island will be transported to Dwarrhan during the next week;
    • we will activate that system once all the characters will be transported;
    • we see the negative effect of OP characters in starter locations, that do PK during prime time and lock the Black zones for new players;
  • AI:
    • another stage of optimization;
    • (test) max AI for a single server increased for 55%;
    • changed maths(AIManager) of restricting the amount of AIs for more even AI spread;
    • added spawners that ignore the AIManager rules;
    • spawners with the prevailing type of mobs added to dense forests that are seen on the map;
    • all Black Zone spawners now ignore the limits of AIManager;
    • excessive logging were turned off;
    • Next step - ecosystem changes aimed at making it easier, and turning it off on some of the spawners;
  • Castles:
    • (Brabat) fixes of the taxation zone;
    • fixed the UI issue that prevented players from filling castles with high level elixirs for full period;
    • fixed incorrect levels of castle guards;
  • Added:
    • additional logging for players actions (more on that in separate article when the whole system of asset and economic control will be in place);
    • New portal system for Brabat/Oer conties;
    • NPC with quest that yield experience;
    • new Steam achievements;
  • Fixed:
    • Relog leveling abuse;
    • Abilities abuse;
    • Property - incorrect saves on changing different subregions;
    • Initialization of containers and their saving to DB;
    • Issue with guild roles (tech. senior); also the additional check window added for guild disbanding;
    • “UI” disappearance issue - incorrect initialization of mainHUD upon logging in/server change;
    • All counties were changed with the aim of solving the last known critical server issue;
    • issue with duplication of some NPC;
    • burning mana to negative values;
    • in-game map issues;
    • quest issues:
      • description for mob killing quests;
      • T3 berserk;
    • widget issues, incl. Tabula Rasa;
  • Changed:
    • timeout for logout in Dwarrhan increased up to 30m;
    • abilities tooltips:
      • connected to changes to max carry weight;
    • loot bags collision removed;
    • (temporary) “take all” button removed ;
  • Optimized:
    • landscape material;