Update 0.66.785 from 29/09/2021

Discussion in 'Патчноуты' started by ROGBot_1.6, Sep 28, 2021.

  1. ROGBot_1.6

    ROGBot_1.6 Администратор Staff Member ROG Club

    Apr 2, 2018
    Hi everyone!

    For 3 long months, we have been incessantly working. We employed new staff and dived deeper and deeper to the bottom of our concept. Mostly, because of how many mechanics we were developing at the same time and of the sheer size of our project as it is, we shifted away from the rule of open, twice a month updates of our normal server, since we want to concentrate on exactly the development process.

    A shrewd observer would notice that, concerning the mechanics, we are just a couple of steps away from the planned early access, having almost completely resolved lots of technical issues and limitations.

    What does that mean?

    Firstly, we are well off in terms of finances. And, yes, we do not depend on anyone.

    Secondly, it means that in the stage of early access the game will be much deeper and of significantly better quality.

    Thirdly, the future tests will be more public and much more mature in terms of network architecture and mechanics.

    Fourthly, before that, we definitely have to fix errors, improve the visual and sound part, and fill the world with all that we have created.

    P.S. We have paused pre-purchases for a variety of reasons. The main one is player loss because of refunds. We will start again on releasing Alpha.

    Thank all of you who follow us.

    Have a great weekend, ROG’oms up!

    Follow the link to find out more or click the image bellow.

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