NEW Report [#37]

Discussion in 'Devblog' started by ROGBot_1.6, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. ROGBot_1.6

    ROGBot_1.6 Администратор Staff Member ROG Club

    Apr 2, 2018
    Dear friends, the 37th report is online!

    Come on, we all have been waiting for it for very very long. We can relate to those who happened to begin doubting the vitality of the project. They must have had their reasons, but they were for nothing.

    First things first:
    1. Information letter and FAQ;
    2. Renewal of mobs;
    3. The mobs;
    4. Upgrading and optimizing the props & environment;
    5. New illumination;
    Full version (or click on image)


    It’s Friday evening. Let’s ROG’oms up, friends!

    Reign of Guilds team
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