[Discussion] Combat controls and Interface switching

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Diamay, Apr 17, 2018.

Interface switching

  1. TAB

    4 vote(s)
  2. TAB + scroll button

    0 vote(s)
  3. DO NOT TOUCH CONTROL! Q = block / sight, etc.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Don’t implement blocks in ROG

    0 vote(s)
  1. Diamay

    Diamay Count

    Jan 17, 2018
    So, dear friends!

    We’ve reached first serious topic that requires our common discussion.

    Please, read the whole text before voting.

    1. We found option to add partial block via shields/obelisks without any ping issues and without additional load to our servers.

    Each shield/obelisk will have 2 defensive stats:
    • Passive - the level buff that stacks to Physical/Magical defence the player gets upon blocking;
    • Active - additional buff that stacks to Physical/Magical defence player gets upon blocking.
    It means that block won’t absorb damage completely, but instead will provide buff to physical/magical defence when hit is taken by torso (head and legs will still be vulnerable).

    Moving forward - Character who use Tower Shield will be covered completely (Head, torso, legs) when taking hit directly. We will discuss full details of this mechanics later.

    So, to implement block, we must bind it to specific button - we will name it later.

    2. Beside that, additional button is required for two-handed weapon, dual weapon, bow/crossbow and magic:
    • Two-handed - slow swing - AOE in-front;
    • Dual weapon - second hand hit;
    • Bow/Crossbow - full aiming (not simple zoom as it is now);
    • Magic - perspective of AOE. We can also add “prepare” of powder that increases critical hit chance (with chance of explosion upon preparation).

    Control as it is now

    Right now Right-mouse button is used for activation of interface and Q button - is optional. This isn’t user friendly, truth be told, as with pressed Q button one cannot move left diagonally. (of course, if you don’t have 6 fingers on each hand).

    What options do we propose

    We bind Right mouse button to second attack/block when in combat.

    1) And also bind TAB button to open interface + add option to “remember” windows that should be opened with TAB button (for instance - with tab you can open bag, equip window or chest №1 right away). So each window will have option “open with TAB button”.
    Moreover, there can be “semi-macro” - one can bind different keys for different window type (up to 3-4).

    2) TAB button + scroll button can help you to scroll up or down window layouts.

    So, what is our opinion on what is written about?

    We are happy with the combat that was implemented in July - it was simple and deep without any additional load to our servers.

    However, we can try to vary combat we have now without turning game into “slasher”. This feature should take only 3-4 working days of development.

    We think that we have to try it. Especially when it won’t take more than 20-30 hours.
  2. Miroku

    Miroku III degree of vocation

    Apr 16, 2018
    TAB button for interface. Don't want to use scroll button here - I think it's uncomfortable
  3. Kozzion

    Kozzion III degree of vocation

    Apr 8, 2018
    Tab at the moment seems the most logical option.
    Altough when we get to know more mechanics it is likely that players would use the Tab button for a more suitable thing.
    Going in and out the menus is not something you need to do asap or is it something we will have to use a lot?? If its not i think "Escape" would he a good successor.