Update 0.86.037 from 04/07/2022

Discussion in 'Patch notes' started by ROGBot_1.6, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. ROGBot_1.6

    ROGBot_1.6 Администратор Staff Member ROG Club

    Apr 2, 2018
    It was the longest period of silence about the condition of the project. But there’s also the largest patch note in its history.

    At the end of February we decided to dedicate all our resources to development, without straying to make interim patch notes for the Normal server.

    There are just 2 global mechanics left (Market Square, Count) before early access. This means that between tests we will not be developing any new mechanics. Instead, we will concentrate on polishing and creating new content.

    Unfortunately, there are also some issues that we are completely aware about. But we will address them along the way, making regular updates for the Normal server.

    Soon enough, there will be news about the road map and the distribution of access keys for technical Alpha. Its primary goal will be testing the server part of the project.

    The “Game Mechanics” section is aggregated as much as possible. There are no details regarding changes/optimization.

    We wish you good health and good weekends, ROG’oms up!

    Follow the link to find out more or click the image bellow.

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