Update 0.57.641 from 30/04/2021

Discussion in 'Patch notes' started by ROGBot_1.6, May 1, 2021.

  1. ROGBot_1.6

    ROGBot_1.6 Администратор Staff Member ROG Club

    Apr 2, 2018
    Hello everyone!

    Two weeks ago we missed a regular update for the Normal server because we had to simultaneously work on new mechanics and on complete refactoring of the old ones, but you’ll see everything for yourself. However, there’s a fly in the ointment - there are multiple known issues with refactoring the main logics. But they’ll be fixed in the nearest updates.

    Tasks we are working on that stand between us and game version 0.60.ххх that would mean closed Alpha:

    1. Seamless - has been adapted for 4.25, but still doesn’t work well with spawning/removing characters;
    2. Craft (0.5) - will be available for everyone to test, regardless of profession;
    3. Combat System (to version 2.8);
    4. Embedding the finished tutorial into StartMap (main menu tavern)
    5. Scaling troll’s AI logic and principles for other mobs;
    6. And of course filling Daerkunn county with forests, mobs, NPCs, etc.;
    Have a great weekend, ROG’oms up!

    Follow the link to find out more or click the image bellow.

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