NEW Playtest #2: intermediate results

Discussion in 'News and announcements' started by ROGBot_1.6, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. ROGBot_1.6

    ROGBot_1.6 Администратор Staff Member ROG Club

    Apr 2, 2018
    Dear friends!

    The main takeaway of the intermediate results is that our server manager system failed us. There was an error that did not make the server crash, but still prevented the players from connecting to it. Despite that error, the server persisted to report to the manager that it's working without any problems. Hence the predicament that occured on the weekends.

    We did not encounter this error during Playtest #1 that's why we did not expect any "frozen" servers that should be rebooted manually. We intentionally let the servers work without supervision just to check the autonomy of the system. Whether it will manage to work without any outside administration.

    ROG’oms up!

    Follow the link to find result or click the image bellow.
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