Patch №22 (13/02/2018)

Discussion in 'Patch notes' started by Diamay, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. Diamay

    Diamay Count

    Jan 17, 2018
    FXD - Bug fix
    CH - Balance change
    New - As you may guess - it is something new

    1. General:

    1.1 NEW Changing of brightness and contrast ratio;
    1.2 NEW You can now put number value manually in settings instead of using slider;

    2. Death:

    2.1 FXD Fixed issue, when dead character was managed to swtich slotbar;
    2.2 FXD From now on dead character cannot equip/unequip items. However, upon death player still can stich UI and use menu.
    2.3 FXD Reload can't be used upon death.
    2.4 FXD If character "A" killed character "B", who made successful strike with the sword at the time, hit check and damage calculation from character "B" to Character "A" will be cancelled - this is another step in preventing "mutual" kills in ROG.
  2. antifah

    antifah II degree of vocation

    Apr 4, 2018
    its alpha opened? Or is there an eta? Ty
  3. Diamay

    Diamay Count

    Jan 17, 2018
    It will be opened, you can find more information and join to the future open-alpha testing here.